In the form of lectures and reading circles, the “Anti-Race” provides information on the topics of anti-Semitism, racism, right-wing extremism and Islamism.
- Organisation of lectures, panel discussions, film screenings, workshops, reading groups, etc.
- Networking
- Enlightenment work and provision of ideology-critical classifications and information
- Management of a department library

In the Unit for Anti-Racism and Anti-Fascism we work for the democratization of universities and society. We want to further advance the process of political will formation along the humanistic values of freedom, equality, tolerance and solidarity: for a fearless coexistence, against the shift to the right and the spread of Islamism.
In times when we encounter more and more anti-politics, we count on the broad support of the (political) university groups on campus. In this sense, we are a partisan unit, but not a partisan unit. We stand for a critical and pluralistic discourse, seek networking with lecturers, and regularly welcome numerous students of different (party) political backgrounds and social status to our events. While many hide in their filter bubbles, stew in their own juice there, preferring to take over the state and society completely and politicize in their own way, we seek political confrontation without the moralizing index finger. In addition, we also address students who have nothing to do with university politics but appreciate the discourse between improving the world, resignation and political theory. We want to be an integrative think-tank that inspires young people for AStA, even outside of university politics.
With our work, we deliver expertise at a high level. For the students of the University of Trier we organize numerous events and operate a well-stocked library including journals on the topics of right-wing extremism, political theory, anti-Semitism and Islamism. In our eyes, the University is an important place to sharpen the weapons of criticism of ideologies under the banner of the Enlightenment.
Main Speaker
Lukas Starck (he/him)
Leonhard Székessy (he/him)
Emil Straub (he/him)
Laurenz Webering (he/him)