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Sozialfonds of the student body

The purpose of the Social Fund is to provide interest-free loans to students who are in financial distress through no fault of their own. You can find out who is entitled to a loan from the Social Fund and what conditions are attached to it in the allocation regulations of the Student Social Fund of the Student Council of the University of Trier.

The maximum limit for the social loan is the current BAföG maximum rate and this is only granted as a one-off benefit. Further support may be granted only after full repayment of the first loan. The maximum BAföG rate is currently EUR 934 (as of 19.12.2023).

The loans are interest-free and can be repaid in instalments or as a one-time payment. The amount of the instalments, as well as the start and end date of the repayments are determined by the Social Fund Award Committee after consultation with the applicant and the Social Affairs Department.

The final allocation of loans or grants is not decided by the Social Affairs Department, but solely by the Social Fund Award Committee of the Student Parliament.
This committee consists of a total of 5 members (and their respective alternates), all of whom are bound by the obligation of secrecy and neutrality to deal with applications.
The Committee shall be convened by the Social Services Unit as soon as the application has been submitted in its entirety to the Social Services Unit. The social officer shall present the application to the Social Fund Award Committee at the convened meeting, which shall then approve the application or reject it after consulting all the documents.

Checklist for the application of a loan from the Sozialfonds
  • current matriculation certificate of the University of Trier
  • copy of your ID (Front- and Backside)
  • copy of the ID of the guarantor (Front- and Backside, guarantor has to be a German citizen)
  • copy of all your bank statements of the last three months
  • complete application documents (see below)

 !Please submit the documents in their original form to the department. A solely digital transmission is not sufficient!

Documents for the Sozialfonds in english:

If you have any questions regarding the application or the conditions of the Sozialfonds, do not hesitate to send us an Email at .